מקימי האתר:


ד"ר אייל אלוני

מנהל מדור רפואה ומשפט:

ד"ר צביקה סגל
האיגוד הישראלי לרפואת עיניים


מזכ"ל האיגוד:
פרופ' כינורי מיכאל

עורך אתר האיגוד:
ד"ר לשנו ארי

מנהלת אדמיניסטרטיבית:
אילנית פיין

Pseudophakic cystoid macular oedema and posterior capsular opacification rates after combined phaco-trabeculectomy vs. phaco alone

להלן תקציר המאמר. למאמר המלא



Purpose: To assess the risk for pseudophakic cystoid macular oedema (PCME) and posterior capsular opacification (PCO) associated with combined cataract surgery and trabeculectomy compared to cataract surgery alone.

Methods: Data analysis of subjects who underwent routine cataract surgery without and with concomitant trabeculectomy at the Department of Ophthalmology, Bristol Eye Hospital, the UK, between January 2008 and December 2017. Odds ratios (ORs) for PCME between the types of surgeries were calculated using univariate and multivariate regression analysis. Multivariate Cox regression controlling for age and gender was used to estimate the hazard ratio (HR) for neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet (Nd:YAG) laser capsulotomies.

Results: This study included 56 973 cataract surgeries without and 288 with concomitant trabeculectomy (phaco-trab) with a mean follow-up time of 6.9 ± 4.2 years. Baseline variables (age and gender, diabetes, pseudoexfoliation, use of pupil expansion device and postoperative follow-up time) were comparable between the groups. Postoperative rates of PCME remained non-significant between the cataract surgery and phaco-trabe groups both in uni- and multi-variate analysis (OR 0.347, 95%CI 0.049-2.477, p = 0.291). Furthermore, in Cox regression analysis adjusted for the patients' age and gender, Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy rates remained non-significant between the cataract surgery and phaco-trabe groups (HR 1.250, 95%CI 0.883-1.769, p = 0.209).

Conclusions: In our large cohort study, combining trabeculectomy with cataract surgery did not predispose to an increased PCME or Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy rates.

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